Nordic Interim Executive Solutions i Stockholm är ett aktiebolag som består av 7 anställda och omsätter 112 451 TKR. Telefon: 0850385500, 031131520, 0702452657. Namn: Nordic Interim Executive Solutions Aktiebolag. Ort: Stockholm. 5566554050.


Description. Nordic Interim is an independent company with the mission to help clients overcome extraordinary challenges and by offering them quality assured Executive Interim Management solutions tailored for their needs.

When you Our Interim Executives are hand-picked and have various cutting-edge expertise in Now we are asking you those questions in our, Nordic Executive Survey - Leading during the pandemic and handling its. Resurs Bank and Solid Försäkring AB, is a leader in retail finance in the Nordic The Payment Solutions segment comprises the retail finance, credit cards and for sales-driving finance, payment and loyalty solutions in the Nordic region. detailed information about Resurs's performance, all interim reports, year-end  CAAM Fund Services AB (CAAM) är en del av Carneo som är Nordens största med varumärkena Nordic Cross, OPM och Alternative Solutions i gruppen. Här kan du söka bland våra medlemmar. De som är auktoriserade har logotyp för respektive auktorisation vid sitt namn. Investor Overview; Executive management; Board of directors; Press releases also an increasing need for a customized solution for handling materials.

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Stockholm. Org.nummer 556655-4050 Verksamhet Personaluthyrning. Så kan du som företagare dra nytta av AI. Nordic Interim Executive Solutions Finland Oy Ab on perustettu vuonna 2013. Se on osakeyhtiö, jonka kotipaikka on Helsinki, ja pääasiallinen toimiala Liikkeenjohdon konsultointi. Yhtiön toimitusjohtaja on Kari Matti Peuhkuri. Yhtiön Nordic Interim Executive Solutions Finland Oy Ab liikevaihto oli 2,08 miljoonaa ja tilikauden tulos 301 tuhatta. Nordic Interim Executive Solutions was founded 2004 and is now the largest and leading Interim & Transformation Management Company in the Nordics.

Kati Rook, CEO of Nordic Interim Management. I worked for 16 years in different international leadership positions at IBM from senior management to executive positions and in C-Suite. The last years I have been an entrepreneur working as an Interim Executive.

Nordic Interim Executive Solutions AB /  Nordic Interim Executive Solutions Aktiebolag,556655-4050 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status, adress mm för  Lena Haeger (fd Lindahl)- Interim Management. Senior Consultant Talent Manager på Nordic Interim Executive Solutions AB #interimmanagement,  Nordic Interim Executive Solutions Aktiebolag Stockholm - projektledare, interim manager, executive search, cio, chefsförsörjning, interim executive, interim  Utökad kronofogdekontroll som låter dig se om Nordic Interim Executive Solutions Aktiebolag har en anmärkning, ett skuldsaldo samt en utredningsrapport.

Nordic Interim Executive Solutions AB / Sveavägen 17, 17 tr / 111 57 Stockholm / +46 (0)8 503 855 00 Nordic Interim Executive Solutions Finland Oy Ab / Bulevardi 5A / 001 20 Helsinki

Ja, registrerad för F-skatt. Org. nummer.

Nordic interim executive solutions aktiebolag

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Nordic Interim Executive Solutions Aktiebolag,556655-4050 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status

Nordic Interim Executive Solutions Finland Oy Ab / Bulevardi 5A / 001 20 Helsinki. / +358 40 5034 988 / +358 40 5453 515. Nordic Interim Executive Solutions Aktiebolag.

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