ColdZyme® Mouth Spray is for oral use only. Do not breathe in while spraying. It must not be used after the expiry date, which is printed on the bottle label and on the bottom of the package. Do not use ColdZyme® Mouth Spray if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. In case of adverse reactions stop treatment and consult a doctor or


It contains the patented ingredient – Trypsin extracted from Atlantic cods. ColdZyme forms a protective barrier in the throat to inhibit and prevent accumulation of pathogens. It reduces the viral load by 99%, prevents contacting illness and relieves a series of symptoms including fever, weakness and dry cough.

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Coldzyme ingredients

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The CZ-MD provides a protective glycerol barrier containing cod trypsin as an ancillary component. Combined, these ingredients can inactivate common cold viruses in the throat and mouth. ColdZyme ® 7ml on samanlainen erinomainen tuote kuin ColdZyme ®, eli se voi estää flunssan/lyhentää sen kestoa.ColdZyme ® 7ml on pienempi pakkaus, joka soveltuu niille, jotka haluavat kokeilla ColdZyme ®-tuotetta joko hoitamalla ensimmäisiä flunssan oireita tai ehkäisemällä flunssaa. ColdZyme® Munnspray er unik, fordi den bekjemper årsaken til forkjølelse – forkjølelsesviruset.

The medical device ColdZyme is a mouth spray that forms a barrier in the throat against common cold viruses. The barrier solution of the device is composed of glycerol and Atlantic cod trypsin. The aim of this study was to evaluate the virus deactivating ability of ColdZyme against four major common cold viruses.

It must not be used after the expiry date, which is printed on the bottle label and on the bottom of the package. Do not use ColdZyme® Mouth Spray if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.

This study evaluates the performance of ColdZyme® mouth spray on prevention of common cold symptoms on experimentally induced rhinovirus upper respiratory tract infection in healthy volunteers. Half of participants will receive ColdZyme® mouth spray while the other half will receive placebo.

Check out ColdZyme Mouth Spray reviews, ratings, specifications and more at … 2021-4-12 · Description: Coldzyme Mouth Spray is a form of preventive medicine that contains a special marine enzyme. This enzyme is known to create a protective barrier on your throat’s mucus membranes, which eventually protects you from airborne viruses that cause illness. Boringly, the ColdZyme mouth spray is not made up magical ingredients, but a healing enzyme from the Artic Ocean. Wondering why Icelandic fisherman have hands like a person in a Olay advert, a professor researched into the fish that they were handling, and found that certain cod-adapted marine organisms contained an enzyme with fantastic ColdZyme Mouth Spray is a CE-marked medical device. ColdZyme has a local, short-acting effect on the surface of the mucous membrane in your throat and can be used by adults and children age 4 and up. Over 25 million doses of the product have been used so far. Its performance and safety have been verified through clinical studies and customer ColdZyme Mouth Spray is for oral use only.

Coldzyme ingredients

ColdZyme, Lund. 16 288 gillar · 18 pratar om detta. ColdZyme is unique it treats the cause of common cold - the virus itself. ColdZyme can prevent or shorten the common cold, alleviate common cold In this study, the efficacy of ColdZyme® (CZ-MD), a medical device mouth spray, was tested against SARS-CoV-2 and HCoV-229E in vitro. The CZ-MD provides a protective glycerol barrier containing cod trypsin as an ancillary component. Combined, these ingredients can inactivate common cold viruses in the throat and mouth. ColdZyme ® 7ml on samanlainen erinomainen tuote kuin ColdZyme ®, eli se voi estää flunssan/lyhentää sen kestoa.ColdZyme ® 7ml on pienempi pakkaus, joka soveltuu niille, jotka haluavat kokeilla ColdZyme ®-tuotetta joko hoitamalla ensimmäisiä flunssan oireita tai ehkäisemällä flunssaa.
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ColdZyme Mouth Spray 20ml prevents a common cold or shortens the symptoms that come with one. Enough for three colds. How to Use: Open your mouth and aim the nozzle towards your throat. Press on the pump and spray 2 puffs (1 dose) every second hour up to 6 times daily. Ingredients: 2018-5-7 2012-5-18 · ULTRASONIC CLEANING LIQUID_Bulk_English[17/05/2012 07:17:45] 10.4.

You are advised to spray 2 puffs (1 dose) into the throat every 2 hours up to 6 times a day (it really isn’t as bad as it sounds, even my kids were happy to give it s squirt!).
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It must not be used after the expiry date, which is printed on the label of the bottle and on the bottom of the package. Cautions Do not use ColdZyme® Mouth Spray if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.

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ColdZyme Munspray är sockerfri och fri från konserveringsmedel.