European Commission: Directors-general appointed The European Commission has appointed Michel Servoz, a French national, to be director- general of the
Skogsstatistisk årsbok Swedish Statistical Yearbook of Forestry. Förord Director-General. Jan-Olof with EUROSTAT, the EU bureau of statistics, and the
Date of Birth. 1966. Education. Middle East Technical University-Public Administration and … Director-General Political, External Relations and European Affairs. Ms. Fiona J. Formosa.
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En 2006, el Secretario General transfirió del Director Ejecutivo del PNUMA al Director Ejecutivo de ONU-Hábitat las funciones del Director General de la ONUN. In 2006, t he Secr eta ry- General tr ans ferre d the functions of t he Directo r-General o f UN ON from the Execut iv e-Director o f UNEP to the Exec ut ive Director of UN -Habitat. Xavier Prats Monné is to move up from deputy director-general to become director-general for education and culture on 1 August. Nymand-Christensen, a former head of the Commission’s office in Copenhagen, will become only the second Dane at the level of director-general or deputy director-general level – the other being Claus Sørensen, head of ECHO, the humanitarian aid office. Director-General Political, External Relations and European Affairs. Ms. Fiona J. Formosa. Ambassador.
by Jeff Foust — December 17, 2020 Current ESA Director General Jan Wörner (left) and Josef Aschbacher, selected by the ESA Council Dec. 17 to be Wörner's successor.
Since 1 April 2020, Kerstin Jorna is the Director-General of the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs. Immediately prior to her current role, she was Deputy Director-General of the Directorate-General (DG) for Economic and Financial Affairs. Before that, she was a Director for Single Market Policy, Regulation and Implementation, and for Industrial Property, Innovation and Standards at this DG, as well as a member of several The Directors-General are in charge of management and development of services, or policy areas of the various Council configurations.
Xavier Prats Monné is to move up from deputy director-general to become director-general for education and culture on 1 August. Nymand-Christensen, a former head of the Commission’s office in Copenhagen, will become only the second Dane at the level of director-general or deputy director-general level – the other being Claus Sørensen, head of ECHO, the humanitarian aid office.
Tel: (+356) 21 245 705. Fax: (+356) 21 240 210 Director-General . Walter PETRUCCI .
1981 Degree in Information Technology, ISIB Engineering School, Brussels. From 1982 to 1986 System administrator in engineering
DIRECTOR GENERAL WWF International HQ Geneva, Switzerland WWF is one of the world's most influential conservation organizations. An early advocate of sustainable human behaviour coupled with strong action to conserve biodiversity it has been a leader of both thought and practice since 1961. The Directorate-General for Translation ensures that Parliament's documents are available in all the official languages of the European Union, thus enabling Parliament to meet its commitment to the policy of multilingualism.
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Mr Javorčík will take up his new duties on 1 October 2020.
Ambassador. Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs. Palazzo Parisio, Valletta - VLT 1171.
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The Directorate-General for Environment is the European Commission department responsible for EU policy on the environment. It aims to protect, preserve and
Keep in mind New Director General takes command at the EUMS and MPCC At a low key but dignified ceremony held in the EUMS premises on 30 Jun 2020, Vice Admiral Hervé Bléjean (FR) assumed command of the EU Military Staff and the Military Planning Conduct Capability from his predecessor Lieutenant General Esa Pulkkinen (FI). The EUMS is led by the Director General (DGEUMS, a three-star general) who is assisted by the Deputy Director General and the Chef of Staff (DDG/COS, a two-star general/Rear Admiral).
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Oct 1, 2019 Ahead of the major UN Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Stockholm in February 2020, the Commission is stepping up its
The Director General is responsible for the EUMS' work in providing strategic advice to the High Representative (HR), reporting to the European Union Military Committee (EUMC) - representing member states ' Chiefs of Defence - and performing "early warning", situation assessment and strategic planning. Since 2017 DGEUMS has also served as Director Director-General Rui Vinhas from Portugal, the country currently presiding over the Council of the EU, also presented the preparations for the meeting of the European leaders. By organising the event scheduled to be held between 7 and 8 May 2021 in Porto, Portugal, the Portuguese Presidency would like to strengthen the EU’s social pillar.